Where can I find the updated Swiss penal code?

You are wondering where to find the updated Swiss penal code. Nothing could be easier, just click on this link and you will access the latest version of the Swiss penal code on the official website of the Federal Administration of the Swiss Confederation : → Updated Swiss Criminal Code

But before you venture in, some useful information to avoid getting lost:

How is the Swiss penal code structured?

The Swiss penal code dates from December 21, 1937. Since then it has undergone numerous updates and continues to be modified several times a year.

It consists of two books.

The first is called the general part which contains all the general principles of criminal law, such as the application of criminal law in space (territoriality and extraterritoriality of laws), in time (non-retroactivity of the law), the degrees of participation in an offence (perpetrator, accomplice, etc.), the degrees of completion of an offence (attempt, missed offence), the justifying facts (self-defence, state of necessity), the different possible penalties under Swiss law (custodial sentence, pecuniary sentence, etc.), the different types of offences (criminal offences, etc.), the different types of offences, and the different ways in which the law can be applied.), the degree of participation in an offence (perpetrator, accomplice, etc.), the degree of realisation of an offence (attempt, missed offence), the justifying facts (self-defence, state of necessity), the different possible penalties under Swiss law (custodial sentence, pecuniary penalty, fine), the different ways of enforcing sentences (suspended sentence, conditional release), the rules concerning the determination of sentences, the mitigating circumstances, the aggravating circumstances and the grounds for exemption from punishment.

The second book lists the offences as such, which are classified according to the legal property protected. These are the special provisions of the penal code. This is where you will find offences against life and physical integrity (murder, assassination, negligent homicide, etc.), offences against property (theft, breach of trust, fraud, unfair management, etc.), offences against honour (defamation, slander, insult), offences against sexual integrity (rape, sexual coercion, sexual acts with children).

The following is an exhaustive list of the titles of the special part of the Swiss Penal Code and the various protected legal assets:

  • Title 1 Offences against life and limb(see this section of the site)
  • Title 2 Infractions against heritage(see this section of the site)
  • Title 3 Offenses against honor and against the secret or private domain(see this section of the site)
  • Title 4 Crimes or offences against liberty
  • Title 5 Offences against sexual integrity(see this section of the site)
  • Title 6 Crimes or offences against the family
  • Title 7 Crimes or offences creating a collective danger
  • Title 8 Crimes or offences against public health
  • Title 9 Crimes or offences against public communications
  • Title 10 Counterfeit money, falsification of official stamps of value, official marks, weights and measures
  • Title 11 False in titles(see this section of the site)
  • Title 12 Crimes or offences against the public peace
  • Title 12bisGenocide and crimes against humanity
  • Title 12ter War Crimes
  • Title 12c Provisions common to Titles 12a and 12b
  • Title 13 Crimes or offenses against the State and national defense
  • Title 14 Offences against the will of the people
  • Title 15 Offenses against public authority
  • Title 16 Crimes or offenses of a nature to compromise foreign relations(see this section of the site)
  • Title 17 Crimes or offenses against the administration of justice
  • Title 18 Offences against official and professional duties
  • Title 19 Corruption
  • Title 20 Contraventions of Federal Law

Finally, the third book contains various rules related to the entry into force and application of the criminal code, mutual assistance and cooperation in police matters, as well as rules related to the criminal record(more explanations on the section of our site dedicated to the criminal record).

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