Me Daniel Trajilovic
Specialist lawyer FSA criminal law
French, English, German, Serbian and Croatian
Specialist lawyer FSA criminal law
Main activities
- General criminal law
- Economic and business criminal law
- Administrative criminal law
- International judicial assistance in criminal and administrative matters
- Extradition
- Civil and commercial litigation
- Contract law
- Lawyer Specialist FSA criminal law, Swiss Federation of Lawyers, Bern, 2022
- Lawyer’s certificate, Geneva, 2014
- Certificate of Specialization in Law, Geneva, 2012
- Master in Law, University of Lausanne, 2011
- Bachelor of Law, University of Lausanne, 2009
Professional experience
- Lawyer at the Bar, Penalex Avocats SA, since 2022
- Lawyer in the firm of Resolution Legal Partners, Lausanne, 2014-2021
- Internship as a lawyer at the law firm Schellenberg Wittmer SA, Geneva, 2012-2014
Academic activities
- Lecturer in contract law at Cursus Formation
- The joint investigation team: a crime-fighting instrument or a simple privileged channel for the transmission of evidence abroad, with Pascal de Preux, in: Revue Pénale Suisse (RPS), 1/2021, 90ss.
- La notion de tiers touché par un acte de procédure et le droit de répliquer, with Pascal de Preux, in: IusNet Strafrecht-Strafprozessrecht, 30.09.2020
- Commentary on the rulings 6B_1208/2018 and 6B_1209/2018 of August 6, 2019 regarding money laundering in connection with the confiscation of assets from a crime committed abroad, with Pascal de Preux, in: IusNet Strafrecht-Strafprozessrecht, 28.08.2019.
- The violation of accountability in the context of bank retrocessions and its criminal consequences, with Pascal de Preux, in : IusNet Strafrecht-Strafprozessrecht, 21.09.2018.
- Blockchain and anti-money laundering, the new paradox? with Pascal de Preux, in: Expert Focus, 1-2, 2018, 64ff.
- New developments in private corruption, with Pascal de Preux, in: Expert Focus 12, 2015, 1026ff.
- L’avocat de la 1ère heure, practical advice, presentation at the Jeune Barreau Vaudois lunch, July 16, 2020
- Legal aid, intervention at the Congress of Lawyers organized by the Swiss Federation of Lawyers, June 13, 2019
- Swiss Federation of Lawyers
- Forum Junge Anwaltschaft (committee member)
- Young Vaudois Bar Association (President of the Young Vaudois Bar Association)
- Swiss Society of Criminal Law
- European Criminal Bar Association
- International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA)
- Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce
- Literary Circle of Lausanne