Me Emmeline Filliez-Bonnard
Specialist lawyer FSA in criminal law
French, English, German, Italian
Specialist lawyer FSA in criminal law
CAS for the Criminal Judiciary
Main activities
- General criminal law
- Criminal Procedure
- Economic criminal law
- Execution of sentences and measures
- Extradition
- Administrative criminal law
- Family law
- Contract law
- Specialist lawyer FSA criminal law, Swiss Bar Association, Bern, 2019
- CAS for the criminal justice system, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO), Delémont / Neuchâtel, 2012
- Lawyer’s certificate, Lausanne, 2011
- Law degree, University of Lausanne, 2006
Professional experience
- Founding partner, Penalex Avocats SA, since 2020
- Associate and independent counsel at Bonnard Lawson, 2014-2020
- Clerk to the Criminal Court of Appeal and the Criminal Appeals Chamber of the Cantonal Court of the Canton of Vaud, 2011-2014
- Trainee lawyer at Bonnard Lawson, 2009-2011
- Tax lawyer at Deloitte SA, 2007-2009
Commentary on the Federal Court ruling of February 13, 2023 – TF 6B_4443/2021 – in Forumpoenale 6/2023 p. 400.
- Commentary on the Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights, (Third Section) of January 19, 2021 in the case Lacatus against Switzerland – Application no. 14065/15, in Forumpoenale 3/2022 p. 185.
- Nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare : what effectiveness in the age of new information and communication technologies ? L’exemple de la reconnaissance faciale, with Ludovic Tirelli, in Criminalité économique et Cybercriminalité : Mélanges en l’honneur de la professeure Isabelle Augsburger-Bucheli, Helbing Lichtenhahn, Bâle 2021
- Les rétrocessions sous l’angle de la corruption privée, Emmeline Bonnard/Miriam Mazou, in AJP/PJA 2019, pp. 423-431
- Les obligations de l’avocat en matière de rétrocessions, Emmeline Bonnard/Miriam Mazou, in Plaidoyer 2/2019, pp. 34 to 37
- Les degrés de réalisation de l’infraction dans la nouvelle partie générale du Code pénal, in La nouvelle partie générale du Code pénal, Berne 2006
Academic activities
- Lecturer for the teaching of the jurisprudence module on economic criminal law at the University of Applied Sciences of Neuchâtel (HE-ARC), since 2020
- Le point sur la partie générale du code pénal, presentation at the seminar “Questions choisies en droit pénal et administratif”, continuing education seminar of the Ordre des avocats vaudois (OAV), University of Lausanne, 3 February 2023.
- Tips and tricks of the criminal lawyer, with Me Ludovic Tirelli, intervention within the framework of the FSA Specialist Lawyer Training in Criminal Law 2021/2022, April 1, 2022
- Right to legal counsel, intervention in the FSA Specialist Lawyer Training in Criminal Law 2021/2022, December 4, 2021
- Vaud Bar Association
- Swiss Federation of Lawyers
- Swiss Society of Criminal Law
- Swiss Society for Juvenile Criminal Law
- Association of French-speaking specialists in criminal law (President)