The execution of sentences

After the conviction, the phase begins, either of theexecution of the sentence when the defendant has been sentenced to a custodial sentence, or of theexecution of the measure when a measure has been pronounced against him.
One of the major steps in the execution of the sentence is theconditional release, which can take place after the convicted person has served 2/3 of his sentence (i.e. after 15 years in case of a life sentence).
Questions related to the possibility of serving a custodial sentence by means of an electronic bracelet or under the regime of semi-custody are also part of the field of the execution of sentences.
The question of the conversion of a pecuniary penalty or a fine into a custodial sentence also falls within this area.
In terms of enforcement, theannual review of the measure is also a crucial phase to determine whether the measure is effective and efficient, and whether it should be terminated or modified.
Both of these are technical areas that are post-conviction and are often considered to be of lesser importance. However, the phase of the execution of the sentences and measures is the one where the defense of the rights of the convicts must be the most tenacious since the prisoners are then totally delivered to the power of the State and to its administrative slowness.
The lawyers at penalex are involved in the day-to-day work of the enforcement of sentences and measures and attach as much importance to this as they do to the pre-trial phase. penalex offers inmates and their families a package for the regular monitoring of their files outside of the parole and review procedures.
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