Me Laurent Contat
Lawyer at the Bar

French, German, Swiss German, English

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Lawyer at the Bar

Former Public Prosecutor

CAS for the Criminal Judiciary

DESS in Criminology

  • General criminal law
  • Criminal sports law and doping
  • Juvenile criminal law
  • Criminal road traffic law (LCR)
  • Criminal Procedure
  • Enforcement of sentences and ECHR
  • Extradition
  • International judicial assistance in criminal and administrative matters
  • CAS for criminal magistrates, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO), Neuchâtel, 2011

  • Bar exam, Lausanne, 2009

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Criminology (DESS), School of Criminal Sciences (ESC), Lausanne, 2005

  • Law degree, Faculty of Law, University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, 2003

  • Barrister, Penalex Avocats SA, since July 2023
  • Prosecutor at the Lausanne Public Prosecutor’s Office,
    january 2011 – december 2022

  • Investigating Judge at the Criminal Investigation Offices of Yverdon and Vevey, June 2010 and November – December 2010

  • Substitute clerk to the Civil Court, Cantonal Court, Vaud, July 2010 – October 2010

  • Deputy Public Prosecutor at the Vaud Public Prosecutor’s Office, Lausanne, February 2010 – May 2010

  • Substitute and ad hoc clerk at the Tribunal d’arrondissement de la Broye et du Nord vaudois and at the Tribunal d’arrondissement de la Côte, March 2009 – August 2009

  • Trainee lawyer, Chaulmontet et associés, September 2006 – November 2008

  • Substitute/ad hoc clerk at the Social Insurance Court and then at the Criminal Court of Cassation, Cantonal Court, Vaud, November 2005 – August 2006

  • Secretary to the Office of the Cantonal Examining Magistrate, January 2004 – August 2006

  • Lecturer in criminal road traffic law at the Association des services des automobiles, Lausanne, since 2017

  • Lecturer in criminal law and criminal procedure law at the Swiss Center of Competence in the Execution of Criminal Sanctions, Fribourg, since 2019

  • Erfolgreiche Dopingbekämpfung mittels Sportförderungsgesetz? – Versuch einer Bilanz nach acht Jahren (with M. Steiner), 2020, Causa Sport – 3/2020 – Nomos

  • The de-socializing effect of preventive detention: a necessary evil? A practitioner’s point of viewin: F. Genillod-Villard, S. Keller, M. Niggli, Ch. Schwarzenegger: La réhabilitation dans la société du risque zéro, Groupe Suisse de Criminologie, v. 37, 2020, Stämpfli, Bern

  • Dopingbekämpfung durch Staat und Private in der Schweiz (with M. Steiner et alii), 2016, Causa Sport – 2/2016 – Boorberg, Jan Sramek Verlag, DIKE

  • Investigation secrète: de la LFIS au Code de procédure pénale suisse; bref état des lieux, in: Revue Pénale Suisse, 3/2012, 2012, Stämpfli Edition, Bern

  • Avant-projet de la LCA du 31 juillet 2006 (with O. Carré), in: HAVE/REAS, 3/2007, 2007, Schulthess, Zurich

  • Le sursis selon le CP 1937, in: Droit des sanctions De l’ancien au nouveau droit , edited by A. Kuhn, L. Moreillon, B. Viredaz, A. Willi-Jayet, 2004, Staempfli Edition, Bern

  • The de-socializing effect of preventive detention: a necessary evil? A practitioner’s point of viewpresentation at the annual conferenceof the Swiss Criminology Group, Interlaken March 7, 2019

Me Laurent Contat
Lawyer at the Bar
