Revision of the Federal Road Traffic Act: what will change for you from October 1, 2023?

Parliament approved the revision of the Federal Road Traffic Act (RTA) in the 2023 spring

Police control: Can I refuse to blow in the balloon?

This recurring question is related to the principle that everyone has the right not to

Corporate fraud: internal investigations

Context Today more than ever, in these times of health crisis (cf. our article ” Crime

Economic crime and COVID-19: prevention is better than cure!

An informed man is worth two … The global health crisis caused by COVID-19 is

I can’t breathe : homicide … by negligence ?

I can’t breathe A knee applied to the neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds,

When the flight of the powerful signals the captivity of those who remain

Carlos Ghosn has left Japan. And the hold that the prosecuting authorities still had on