Cybercrimes & computer crime

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Cybercrimes and computer criminal law

The computer tools are now essential in all areas of daily life, whether private, administrative or professional. Most of these tools are connected to networks and the Internet, which further increases the criminal opportunities committed through these new technologies, known as cybercrime.

Cybercrime affects all areas of criminal law, such as attacks on property and assets (hacking), data theft, identity theft (identity theft), harassment (cyberdefamation),industrial espionage orIP infringements(copyright and other intellectual property rights).

Both the defense and the prosecution of cybercriminals require specialized knowledge in computer and network law, criminal law, criminal procedure and international law.

Our lawyers have a recognized practice in the field of cybercrime. They know the pitfalls to be avoided in such investigations, the technological tools available and the specific rules of procedure in computer crime.

Key points

  • Hacking: undue access to a computer system (143bis CP)
  • Data theft and identity theft: data theft (143 StGB), personal data theft (179novies StGB), forgery of certificates (251 StGB)
  • Decommissioning of computer systems: damage to data (144bis CP)
  • Cyberstalking: misuse of a telecommunications facility (179 septies CP), coercion (181 CP)
  • Cyber defamation: defamation (173 CP) and slander (174 CP)
  • Misappropriation of assets: fraud (146 StGB), fraudulent use of a computer (147 StGB)
  • Espionage: economic intelligence service (273 CP)

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